Circle of the Land v1.4.0 #

Circle Spells (2) #

Arid #

Arid Spells #

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip Firebolt
1st Burning Hands
2nd Blur
3rd Fireball
4th Blight
5th Wall of Stone

Polar #

Polar Spells #

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip Ray of Frost
1st Fog Cloud
2nd Hold Person
3rd Sleet Storm
4th Ice Storm
5th Cone of Cold

Temperate #

Temperate Spells #

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip Shocking Grasp
1st Sleep
2nd Misty Step
3rd Lightning Bolt
4th Freedom of Movement
5th Tree Stride

Tropical #

Tropical Spells #

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip Acid Splash
1st Ray of Sickness
2nd Web
3rd Stinking Cloud
4th Polymorph
5th Insect Plague

Land’s Aid (2) #

Land’s Stride (6) #

Natural Recovery (2->6) #

Nature’s Ward (10) #

Nature’s Sanctuary (14) #